Meet Stephanie
A homestead CUPcakery in the MOUNTIANS of Northwest Montana Specializing in DELICATLY CRAFTED Artisan cakes and cupcakes
Born in eastern Canada, Stephanie McIntosh studied pastry and culinary arts at Georgian College in Barrie Ontario. After graduating she moved west to Alberta, taking on the role of Pastry Chef for the iconic Prince Of Wales Hotel in Waterton National Park. From there she met her husband, moved to Montana, built her homestead in the foothills of Glacier National Park and began perfecting her skills as an icing artist. With a love for the mountains, her family and all things frosted, she artfully crafts custom cakes from her homestead kitchen.
Made from LOCAL and traditional ingredients, and adorned with exquisite detail, Mountain Mamas cakes are the perfect treat for your special occasion or special someone.